Samstag, 23. April 2011

Count Me Healthy

Zähle deine Kalorien, deine Gläser Wasser, deine Sporteinheiten.... Count Me Healthy wurde designed, um dich ständig an das zu erinnern, was du dir vorgenommen hast. Jede Perle repräsentiert ein Ziel. Um diese zu verfolgen, bewegst du eine der ingesamt 12 Perlen auf dem Armreif über den kleinen Ring in der Mitte. Das Prinzip ähnelt dem eines Gebetskranz.

Erhätlich momentan nur bei Boutique To You.

How to use your Count Me Healthy Bracelet
Using your Count Me Healthy Bracelet is easy ... here's how:
  1. Choose a health goal you would like to track.
  2. Once chosen, decide the daily target number for your healthy goal (For example, if you are tracking glasses of water, you would aim for eight glasses of water a day. Your target number would be eight).
  3. Next, turn this daily target number into a bead count. You do this by dividing your daily target number by the number of beads (12) on the bracelet. Water is easy, because each bead would count for one glass of water.
  4. Throughout the day, just slide the beautiful beads (one at-a-time) toward you from one side to the other. The patented jump-ring at the top of the bracelet acts as a marker for your progress. Once that bead is pulled or pushed over the jump-ring, your goal is counted for the day. The beads have been specially designed to move easily along the cuff, and won’t fall back-and-forth unless purposely moved by you.

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